In most children (70%), the thyroid gland is enlarged and swollen but not painful to the touch. Symptoms may include:
- Behavior: listlessness, being tired and sleepy, feeling gloomy, reduced responsiveness, slowed speech.
- Skin and hair: dry, pale and cold skin, reduced sweat production, tingling, edema (swelling), hair loss.
- Head-throat: palpable swelling (goiter) in throat, swelling around the eyes.
- Abdomen: large, rounded belly, clearly visible blood vessels, naval hernia.
- Stomach-intestinal tract: constipation.
- Muscles and joints: reduced muscle tone, loss of power, muscle pain, joint pain.
- Bodily functions: slow heart rate, low body temperature.
- Slowed reflexes.
- Late onset of puberty, menstrual disorders, secretion of milk (lactation w/o pregnancy).
- Sensory: hearing loss, visual problems.
- Weight gain.
- Reduced longitudinal growth; small for age.