Theme: The first injection
Do you remember your first injection? Where you were, who was present and above all how did you feel? All first times are important, including your first insulin injection. No one likes to hurt him/herself, and injecting insulin the first time is quite scary. And let’s be honest: injecting yourself hurts. Even if everyone experiences pain in different ways. Still, you must learn to inject yourself, and then check yourself as soon as possible. You must do it for the rest of your life after all, and as soon as it goes right the first time, you will be able to do it right the rest of your life.
The diabetes nurse is always the one who will help you to keep on track, whether it is in the hospital or at the outpatient clinic. You learn how to slide the needle in, inject yourself, and where the best place is to do this. Maybe you want to do it by yourself and practice immediately? Then you can practice on a stuffed animal, an orange or a sponge. And sometimes it helps when your parents get an injection or your best friend.
Some kids hate the needle prick, others the injecting. No one likes it, but rarely is it so frightening that you cannot make it work. A psychologist can help you to deal with your fear. But no matter if it works the first time, or if it takes a little longer: in the end, only you will be the real expert.
Bram van Meer (14): ‘You know, if my parents paid me 1 euro every time I inject myself, I would be rich! And if I charge this for every injection for the next 20 years, with interest, I would make myself a fortune!’‹›