Interview: I just feel like a normal boy
Allard (11) has HIV.
How long have you known that you have HIV?
I don't know exactly. I was told a few years ago.
Your mother told you about it early on?
Yes, that's right.
Do you know what HIV is?
It's a virus in the blood that replicates itself. It does something to the white blood cells in your body.
How often do you have to go to the hospital?
Once every three months. When I go they take blood. I'm not really sure what they're testing for.
What have they explained to you about HIV?
That you have to be careful with contact with other people. When I have a small cut or graze, I normally have to put a plaster on it.
Do you ever read anything about it?
No, I don't search on the Internet either. But when I was little I did read a book about it; Brenda has a dragon in her blood. I was about four years old. I thought that if you had it, you would get sick faster, but that wasn't true. I didn't really like the pictures. There was a huge dragon standing there and she was a little girl lying on the bed. She also got sick really fast, but I didn't. I don't read that book anymore. I got another book from the nurse, 'Learning positively' which has stories of other people in it.
What do you think of the stories?
There was a story where the teachers didn't know. My teachers know. I don't think it's such a bad thing. When we go to camp they need to know that I have to take medication.
Does anybody else know what about it?
My grandma and grandpa know. I think my aunts know as well. But they never ask about it and I never say anything.
Do you tell people that you have HIV?
Who do you talk to about it?
My mom. If I have any questions, like why I have to take different medications. I used to think, why can't it just be one medicine?
How many pills do you take?
I now take a two-in-one pill, Kivexa® and Viramune®, once a day.
Do you have to take it at a specific time?
Yes, at 5.30 in the evening. I make sure I do it at home. I am allowed to take it with me to my friends' houses.
Don't other people see you taking them then?
No, I make sure they don't. I don't want them to see. I'm scared they would start asking questions.
Suppose they asked you what was wrong with you, what would you say?
I don't know. I don't think about that.
Are the pills big?
Yes, quite big. But I don't have any trouble swallowing them.
Does your little brother know you have HIV?
No, it's not that difficult to hide it.
Does he ever see you taking your medication?
Yes, but he never asks about it.
You go to high school now, are you going to tell anybody?
I don't think so. Because I just feel like a normal boy.
What about in the future when you get a girlfriend?
I hope I don't get one. I think it'd just be a hassle. They're often moody.
Would you tell good friends in the future?
I don't know.
Do you see it as a big secret?
It's not that.
So why don't you want to tell anybody?
Because I don't think about it that much myself.
Do people have to know about it if you're going to travel or apply to somewhere?
No, I don't think so.
Do you ever worry about it?
No, because I'm doing other things. I play guitar, solo and I have lessons. I keep busy doing fun things instead.‹